What is Role-based Email Address

Role-based Email Address Validity


In the dynamic world of eCommerce, effective communication is a cornerstone of success. With the rise of online businesses and the increasing volume of customer interactions, the need for organized and efficient communication channels has become more pronounced. One tool that plays a important role in achieving this is the use of role-based email addresses.

Defining Role-Based Email Addresses

Role-based email addresses are specific types of email accounts that are associated with particular functions or roles within an organization rather than being tied to individual users. These addresses are often created to streamline communication related to specific purposes, such as customer support, general inquiries or sales. Examples of role-based email addresses include addresses like support@company.com, info@organization.net or sales@enterprise.org. In essence, these email accounts serve as points of contact for particular departments or functions within an organization, allowing for more efficient handling of relevant communications.

Importance of Role-Based Email Address

Fraudulent Account Creation

Fraudsters frequently attempt to create accounts on eCommerce platforms using role-based email addresses. These accounts can be used to engage in various fraudulent activities, including fake purchases, identity theft and financial scams. By checking the role-based email addresses during the account creation process, eCommerce platforms can reduce the risk of unauthorized access and fraudulent transactions.

Phishing and Social Engineering Attacks

Role-based email addresses are susceptible to phishing and social engineering attacks, where fraudsters impersonate legitimate entities to deceive users. Checking these addresses helps eCommerce businesses identify potential phishing attempts and prevent users from falling victim to scams, thereby safeguarding sensitive information such as login credentials and payment details.

Strengthening Transaction Security

In eCommerce, fraudulent transactions are a significant concern. Fraudsters may use role-based addresses to exploit vulnerabilities in payment processes. Regularly checking email addresses associated with transactions help fortify the security of payment gateways and reduce the risk of unauthorized financial activities.

Validation Rule for Role-Based Email Address

Validation rules consist of specific criteria or conditions utilized for confirming the precision and integrity of data. When employed in the context of email addresses, these rules serve to identify and eliminate role-based email addresses.

FraudLabs Pro has introduced a new validation rule empowering merchants to review and prevent fraudulent activities by pinpointing role-based email addresses. This particular validation rule is exclusively designed for merchants subscribed to the Small plan or any higher plan. Incorporating this rule enables businesses to reinforce their safeguards against fraud linked to role-based email addresses, thereby elevating the overall security of their transactions.

Example of validation rule for Role-based Email Address Validity

Validation Rule Configuration

The following steps outline how to activate the Role-based Email Address Checking feature. These instructions will guide you on enabling this functionality.

  1. Login to the FraudLabs Pro merchant area and click on the Rules menu.
  2. On the Rules page, click on the “Add Rule” button.
  3. On the Rule dropdown, select “Email Address Equal to Role-based Email Address“.
  4. Select the Action and then click on the “Save” button.
  5. Done.

The described scenario shows the process of flagging an order for REVIEW when a role-based email address is identified. The operation of this verification is straightforward, it evaluates whether the order was initiated using a role-based email address. Once a role-based email address is detected, the rule is activated, modifying the FraudLabs Pro status according to the preconfigured action (Manual Review, Approve or Reject). If the email address does not fall into the category of role-based addresses, the rule remains inactive.


In conclusion, role-based email checking is a vital element in the ongoing battle against eCommerce fraud. By implementing precise email checking processes, eCommerce platforms can significantly reduce the risk of fraudulent activities. This proactive approach not only safeguards the interests of both businesses and customers but also contributes to the overall flexibility of the eCommerce ecosystem.

Secure Transactions, Seamless Business

Say goodbye to fraud worries! Secure your online store with FraudLabs Pro now.

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