How to install FraudLabs Pro plugin on Magento 2

FraudLabs Pro Fraud Prevention plugin assists the user to screen the order transaction for online frauds easily. It validates every order transaction to detect malicious fraud effectively. The key features and type of fraud validation that been carried out are fraud analysis and scoring, IP address geolocation & proxy validation, email address validation, credit card issuing bank validation, blacklist validation and many more. It also provides user the fraud validation result on the order details page.

Magento 2 carries some drastic, yet exciting changes as compared with Magento 1.x. However, this new changes had caused the FraudLabs Pro fraud prevention v1.x module failed to function in the latest platform. In order to remedy this issue, FraudLabs Pro has re-created a new plugin to work under Magento v2 platform. For those merchants who has upgraded their version to Magento 2, they can install our v2 module to start protecting their business from online fraud.

Anyway, FraudLabs Pro Fraud Prevention v2 module works the same way as the previous v1 module. It continues to perform comprehensive fraud validation on every order transaction to detect malicious fraud, validations such as IP address geolocation & proxy validation, email address validation, credit card issuing bank validation, blacklist validation and so on.

This tutorial shows the steps on how to install the FraudLabs Pro plugin on Magento 2.

Install Manually

  1. Download the FraudLabs Pro plugin from the FraudLabs Pro GitHub site.
  2. Create a folder and name as Hexasoft.
  3. Unzip the file that downloaded from FraudLabs Pro GitHub site, rename it to FraudLabsPro and transfer it into Hexasoft folder.
  4. Upload the Hexasoft folder to the subdirectory of Magento installation root directory as: magento2/app/code/

    If the code subdirectory does not exists, the directory has to be created manually.
  5. Login to the Magento admin page and disable the cache under the System -> Cache Management page.

    Go to Cache Management in Magento admin page

  6. At the Linux server command line enter the following command in Magento root directory:
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Install via Composer

  1. At the Linux server command line enter the following command in Magento root directory:
    composer require hexasoft/module-fraudlabspro

  2. Next continue by entering:
    composer update
  3. Then follow by:
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  4. The plugin can be enabled or disabled by entering these commands at Linux server command line under Magento root directory:
    php bin/magento module:enable Hexasoft_FraudLabsPro
    php bin/magento module:disable Hexasoft_FraudLabsPro

After Installation

  1. Then the plugin settings will be available in the admin panel by opening the Stores -> Configuration page.

    Go to Configuration after login to Magento admin page

  2. Set Enable to Yes, enter the API key and select the order status that will be changed to when Review status or Reject status receive.

    Enter FraudLabs Pro API key and edit the settings for FraudLabs Pro Magento app

  3. Click on the Save Config button.
  4. Done.

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