SMS Verification

SMS Verification is an add-on that enables you to validate buyers' mobile number. When enabled, it will send an SMS to the given mobile number containing the OTP (One Time Passcode) for buyers to authenticate themselves as the rightful owners.
You need to sign up for a fraud prevention plan, either a free Micro plan or commercial plan. After that, login to the merchant area and click on Add-On -> SMS Verification API to purchase the packages.
1 credit will be deducted for each SMS sending for verification.
The credits are valid for one year from the date of purchase.
Go to the SMS Verification API page and click on the SMS Topup button.
Yes, we will notify you via email if the available credits fall below the 10% threshold.
Please visit https://www.fraudlabspro.com/developer/reference/country-codes-sms to learn more about the supported countries.
There is no charge for calling the Get Verification Result API. The credits will only be deducted when an actual SMS is sent out.