ZenCart Fraud Prevention Module
This fraud prevention module will screen every order transacted on ZenCart e-commerce platform in real-time for payment fraud. Its sophisticated validation algorithm will accurately detect the fraud patterns to help you to minimize the chargeback and fraud losses.
Visit the FraudLabs Pro Features page to learn more about the type of fraud validation performed and how it could help you to prevent fraudulent online transactions and reduce manual reviews.

Download Fraud Prevention Module
Before downloading the module, please sign up for a free API license key, which is required during the module installation.
SIGN UP FREEFor ZenCart version 1.5.x or later | DOWNLOAD |
Install Fraud Prevention Module
- Download the package and unzip it.
- Rename the admin folder in the uploads folder (unzipped folder) to match the name in your server *admin* folder. (You should have also done this during ZenCart installation)
Upload all files in uploads folder to server.
Do not upload the actual uploads folder but the files and folders inside. Make sure you are copy the files to the correct directory in the server folder.
- Open server's *admin*/orders.php with a text editor.
Search for:
And replace with:<div class="row noprint"> <div class="formArea"> <?php echo zen_draw_form('statusUpdate', FILENAME_ORDERS, zen_get_all_get_params(['action']) . 'action=update_order', 'post', 'class="form-horizontal"', true); ?></textarea>
<?php include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'fraudlabspro/summary.php'); ?> <div class="row noprint"> <div class="formArea"> <?php echo zen_draw_form('statusUpdate', FILENAME_ORDERS, zen_get_all_get_params(['action']) . 'action=update_order', 'post', 'class="form-horizontal"', true); ?></textarea>
- Login to ZenCart admin area.
Go to Tools->Install SQL Patches.
Browse and upload flp_orders.sql (located at the unzipped uploads folder)
Click on the Configuration menu and then click on the My Store menu.
Locate FraudLabs Pro License Key entry and click on the Info button that appears on the right.
Enter the FraudLabs Pro License Key and click on the Update button. If you do not have a license key, you may register a free one at here.
- Done.
Explore More On ZenCart Videos
Watch valuable tips on fraud detection and prevention for ZenCart Fraud Prevention Module at our YouTube playlist.